Tag: healthcare industry
Healer Headlines: Five Reasons For Doctors To Write Blogs
The main job of a doctor is to heal others through the practice of medicine and is considered, arguably, one of the most important professions in the world. In the past, it was possible for doctors to focus only on their medical practice, having no other related activity to consider. But in a world connected…
Retirement For Doctors : Five Strategies For A Smooth Exit
Most professionals spend their days focused on tasks that have an immediate effect on their careers, building their success only to risk it all by forgetting to prepare a proper exit strategy for retirement. In the case of doctors, putting the needs of patients over their own may seem like the right thing to do…
Critical Thinking At The Medical Level : Five Ways To Stay On Top
The ability to think critically is important in all walks of life – as every organization requires its leaders to come up with solutions relevant to each industry. In the field of healthcare, the stakes can be exceedingly high, and there are situations where the wrong decision can lead to the loss of somebody’s life.…
New Laws Passed In California To Protect Workers From Covid-19
New Laws have been passed in California to protect workers from the on-going coronavirus pandemic. The new laws, namely SB1159 and AB685, focused on improving workers compensation services and allowing employees who have contracted Covid-19 to assume they were infected at work until proven otherwise. Governor Gavin Newsom believes that these “two laws will help…
Healthcare 2020: Five Ways Technology is Transforming the Medical Industry
Technology continues to transform society as advancements in software and computers bring the entire world within anybody’s reach – with just a single touch of a screen. Artificial intelligence looms on the horizon as more and more applications look to revolutionize all human industries, including that of the healthcare industry. In this race to innovate,…
The Modern Doctor: Five Essential Devices Every Physician Needs Today
Doctors today live in a world that has been transformed through modern technology, which has resulted in the emergence of certain types of equipment that has made this incredibly complicated profession just a little bit easier for everyone. These new devices go a long way in making a physician’s job more convenient and compatible with…
Five Ways to Reduce COVID-19 Healthcare Stress
Working in healthcare has never been easy – but the emergence of the coronavirus, and the ensuing pandemic and lockdown that transpired because of it, has complicated things to an unmeasurable degree. Apart from putting many health workers in a tough situation by keeping them quarantined away from family, frontliners face death on a daily…
Fake News: Three Ways to Stop the Spread of Misinformation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the world struggles with the Covid-19 pandemic, the surge of fake news to generate traffic for websites has been an ugly side effect of the effort to keep people accurately informed about this dangerous disease. For every honest journalist in search of experts to provide medical information in an effort to curb the spread…
Keeping Your Patients’ Privacy Secure While Using Coronavirus Tracking Apps
With the increasing need for contact tracing as a necessary means to contain the Covid-19 pandemic from spreading to the public, governments have turned to using smartphone technology to relay valuable information on people’s whereabouts. While many are worried about the surveillance of Coronavirus Contact Tracing Apps, governing bodies globally have ensured that all private…
Caring for Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the global health system with many questions being asked and answers still being researched. While most of the economy has crawled to a standstill to prevent the spread of the virus, the birthrate of newborns has not severely declined. The good news is that hospitals are well-informed…