The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the global health system with many questions being asked and answers still being researched. While most of the economy has crawled to a standstill to prevent the spread of the virus, the birthrate of newborns has not severely declined. The good news is that hospitals are well-informed about Covid-19 and have taken the necessary steps to prevent coronavirus transmission to a newborn baby. The following are practices meant to be observed to prevent Covid-19 from affecting pregnant women and to help ensure a safe delivery.
- Encourage Your Pregnant Patients To Practice Physical Distancing – The best known method to prevent contracting and spreading Covid-19 is through practicing physical distancing or staying indoors, as per recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO). Encourage your patients, especially those who are pregnant, to stay at home for the time being. When it is necessary to go out, remind them to avoid crowded places, to wear a proper facemask, and to sanitize their hands after handling publicly shared objects like doors and pens.
- Explain That Others Should Procure Supplies For Mother – A mother will need various items for comfort and health during pregnancy – such as food, supplements, and other personal paraphernalia. Acquiring items that an infant may need once conceived needs to be addressed as well. Talk to the spouse (if any) about how it will be safer to limit the exposure of the patient to the potential dangers when going outside, deeming it wiser for them (spouse or other family members) to be the ones to buy all the necessities. Also – remind them to practice proper sanitation before entering the household after being exposed to the outside environment.
- Help Pregnant Patients Be More Informed Of Cases In The Area – Local authorities, first responders, and government officials will be the most informed on where and how many active cases are in an area. Staying informed about which regions have a high number of cases and those with fewer cases is important as to know for the patient. Health centres, hospitals, and a number of government facilities have pages or websites that update the public daily on active cases and their last known locations.
- Rely On Telemedicine To Stay Connected With Pregnant Patients – Most nations have declared community quarantine as a necessary step to prevent the public from exposure to Covid-19 – only going out to buy essential items like groceries or food, acquiring medicine, and seeking medical attention for severe cases. This is why telemedicine is recommended for those patients, pregnant ones included, who go on regular check-ups to address concerns and to monitor their health. It eliminates the need for the patient to go into a physical clinic, addressing minor concerns through phone calls or video calls. This will also help when scheduling medical procedures like x-rays and ultrasounds.
- Plan Ahead & Recommend A Delivery Hospital Nearest To Your Pregnant Patient – Advise the couple to consider contacting their local delivery hospital a week or so before the expected due date to check the availability of facilities for delivery as well as rooms for post-delivery recovery for both mother and newborn. These days, hospitals usually have an isolated location for treating patients that have contracted Covid-19, but it is still recommended for patrons to call before visiting or getting confined. As the full term of pregnancy nears, it is best to make plans on how to handle delivery and what to do in case of medical emergencies such as early labour or bleeding.
TukkoMed, we like to say, is every doctor’s best friend. We will be here providing the best updates regarding the coronavirus pandemic, and as always, providing the services that have helped many doctors just like you unlock the secrets of successful medical practice. Get in touch with us right away for insight on what we can do for you!