Technology continues to transform society as advancements in software and computers bring the entire world within anybody’s reach – with just a single touch of a screen. Artificial intelligence looms on the horizon as more and more applications look to revolutionize all human industries, including that of the healthcare industry. In this race to innovate, one might assume that a quick and smooth transition is underway. Unfortunately, most organizations remain oblivious to change and the widespread benefits they represent. Out of touch and looking to get up to speed? Following are five ways technology is transforming the medical industry.
- Strike Anywhere Healthcare – These days, people have become used to getting things right away. This “push button gratification” attitude is responsible for society’s current preference for convenient options that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Add the current coronavirus pandemic, and “telemedicine” no longer appears optional, but essential, in a world restricted with physical distancing protocols. That’s why more and more patients have been opting for digital healthcare, made possible by widespread use of mobile devices such as cellphones. Furthermore, all signs point towards mobile devices increasing in popularity for the foreseeable future, which means that the demand for digital healthcare solutions will most likely increase in the coming years.
- Wearable Devices – Computer technology has advanced so much that it has become easy to design medical devices that can be worn comfortably on the body. One exciting development is the move to design wearable devices for the purpose of monitoring and sharing electronic patient health data, removing the need for patients to schedule annual check ups for health maintenance. It also provides a way for patients to be more aware of their own physical condition, reducing the need to actually become sick before seeking health advice. In a world that believes that prevention is better than cure, these devices are almost certainly going to be considered essential once they emerge in this post-Covid world.
- Predictive Software – Data is being collected all the time, everywhere in the world. Companies have begun to design programs that can turn this massive amount of information into projections that attempt to “predict” the future based on the statistics of the past. Predictive software, once perfected, has the potential to become one of the medical industry’s most powerful tools – as the human processes of learning and making decisions stand to benefit from programs capable of instantly crunching immense loads of data into easily digestible pieces of information. Possibilities include being able to foresee future pandemics, to suggest courses of action to improve one’s health, and much more.
- One Click Information – If you haven’t already noticed, data and information are at the center of the most recent technological advancements. The days where people were limited by the physician or practice of their choice is over. Whereas people used to have to access their health information exclusively through their doctors, these days people have a world of information made readily available to them. Aided by apps and programs that unlock treasure troves of medical and scientific information with a mere swipe of a screen, people have never been more involved and in the know about their own health. It is now common for patients to ask more educated and relevant questions than in the past as a result of this, which has, in general, improved communication between doctor and patient.
- EHR Blockchain – Although Blockchain has been more widely linked to cryptocurrencies, there are many more possibilities that can be unearthed through different applications of the technology. In the medical industry, one interesting idea was to incorporate the blockchain system when managing and storing electronic health records (EHRs). Doing so would not only make hacking the EHR database extremely difficult, it would also ensure that all the stored information is 100% accurate and correct.
In the ever changing healthcare industry, physicians need to stay afloat with the latest news and views around America and the world. Stay tuned for the latest updates and contact TukkoMed right now to find out more about how we can help keep you focused on the health and happiness of your patients.