Tag: california
CA Senate Rejects Bill That Increases Employer Workers’ Compensation Liability
A bill filed by intending to increase the workers’ compensation liability of employers was rejected on Thursday by the California Senate, much to the relief of business owners in the state. Had it passed, it would have made it easier for workers in the medical industry to claim healthcare support for diseases contracted at work.…
Impact Of SB335 Questioned By CWCI
The impact of Senate Bill 335 (SB335), a law seeking to cut the time allotted for the investigation of workers’ comp claims in half (from 90 days to 45 days), has been questioned in a recent report by the California Workers’ Compensation Institute (CWCI). Workers’ compensation investigations involve complicated procedures that require the involvement of…
Rate Hike Proposed For California Workers’ Comp
A rate hike of 2.7% in “advisory pure premium rates” has been recommended by the Workers Compensation Insurance Ratings Bureau (WCIRB), citing recent changes in California’s medical and medical-legal fee schedules. If approved by the California Department of Insurance (CDI), five hundred different categorizations of workers will be paying $1.50 per $100 of salary. The…
Workers’ Compensation: Most Common Types Of Fraud
If you are an American citizen working in the United States, then you are backed by what is known as Workers’ Compensation – a system that dispenses benefits to people injured during the performance of their jobs. Millions all over the country make use of the system to receive their rightful compensation for a legitimate…
Can California Be Pro-Worker Without Being Anti-Business?
To say that it has not been the best time in California is an understatement. Citizens all over the state have been dealing with a disastrous reality – everything from destructive fires, blackouts, economic turmoil, and, of course, Covid-19. While these are all terrible events to have to endure, the biggest threat comes from a…
California DWC Failing To Provide Proper Support For QMEs
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) was called out recently by a California State Auditor for failing to provide the proper guidance and support for Qualified Medical Evaluators (QMEs). As per the auditor’s report, the DWC has been unable to make it attractive for doctors to come out and become QMEs – leading to major…
How To File For Workers’ Compensation In California
Working citizens in California that get sick or injured on the job are entitled to certain benefits because of what is known as the California Workers Compensation Act. Employers are required by the State to provide workers with protection in the form of full payment for any medical bills caused by a workplace injury/infection as…
California Bill Seeks To Expand Compensation Data Reporting
California Senators have submitted a bill that seeks to expand the way compensation data is reported to the state starting next year. Senate Bill 973, if passed, will require all employers with a minimum of one hundred employees to submit annual compensation data reports to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) starting March…