This global lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic has provided an opportunity for the medical industry to rely on “virtual visits” to the doctor as millions of patients the world over adhere to strict physical distancing laws in order to minimize the risk of being infected with the dreaded virus. For the first time in our lives, telemedicine is being used as the recommended mode of correspondence between patient and physician rather than just a convenient side option, and it has proven itself as an essential part of medicine moving forward. Many doctors that once opposed or doubted its usefulness have seen firsthand just how important it is to be able to conduct remote consultations and, most especially, stay in touch with patients no matter the distance. Much has been learned over these last few months about the future of telehealth – read on for five truths that have become evident because of CoVid-19.

  • Improved Services For Distant Patients – Patients living in far flung areas will have a far easier time keeping up with doctor’s appointments due to the emergence of telemedicine. As long as there is a decent connection to the Internet, anybody can schedule a video call appointment and talk directly to a doctor using a mobile phone or computer. This would allow for patients far away from a clinic or hospital to get that first assessment that will decide whether a face to face visit is required or not. Telehealth saves time, money, and the stress of a distant commute for a condition that really may be nothing at all.
  • Easier Doctor-Patient Relationship Building – One of the biggest benefits of telemedicine is that it provides an easy and convenient way for doctors and patients to continue talking and updating each other on how a condition is unfolding or perhaps just following up on various aspects of diagnosis or treatment. This can help improve outcomes by providing both physician and patient with the opportunity to continuously exchange medical information and forge long lasting relationships.
  • Telemedicine Platforms Must Comply With HIPAA Regulations – From the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the Government has expanded its list of HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms that offer the best services aimed at protecting patient information and providing stable and easy-to-use software. Stick to these federally approved platforms in order to avoid any inconveniences – now and in any future situation that may make telehealth a necessity again.
  • Remote Consultations Work Even For Specialists – Recent events have proven that telehealth is just as useful to specialists as it is to conventional medical practice. There have been many instances of therapists, dermatologists, and even veterinarians using telemedicine successfully during the pandemic, revealing that they, too, can use this technology to connect with, diagnose, and monitor their clientele from the comfort of their chosen Internet connection.
  • Telemedicine Will Be Vital For Pandemics From Now On – There was once a time when healthcare began with a visit to the doctor’s office – and questions were abound regarding whether or not virtual care would be used by a large amount of the population. CoVid-19 has put a stop to that. It is now clear that people are keen on using telehealth technology, as the industry expects more and more people to use it regularly. As the minds behind “the new normal” assume that pandemics will become a part of our lives from now on, it is certain that telemedicine will be the way the medical industry bridges the gap between healthcare providers and patients in the event of another crisis that requires strict physical distancing.

The application of telemedicine can serve to optimize the flow of patients in any medical practice by decongesting waiting rooms and saving face to face consultations for when it is absolutely necessary. Now imagine pairing that with a back office solution that works for you. Know what it’s like to fly free – contact TukkoMed right away and unlock the path to a mind at ease.

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