The Anatomy of A QME Report

Knowing what goes in the QME report is just half the battle.

Writing a Qualified Medical Evaluator’s Report (QME Report) can be a very rewarding thing to do. That is, if you know how it’s done correctly. Here’s a look at what comprises a complete report.

Background of your case / condition

The first and most important part of a QME report is the background of your case. If the claims adjuster recently disputed the medical report of your attending physician, the former may opt to hire a QME to focus on the case.

Since the QME is tasked to come up with reports that may impact the injured workers’ claims, it is important to provide information as to what really happened to the worker, and how the injury came about.

Information on workers’ compensation benefits

The California Workers Compensation is a system that was designed to help injured workers in getting and increasing their benefits, coverage, as well as their cost-saving efficiencies.

Benefits may differ depending on several different categories. This is why this part of the report should be written with care, and should also be explained to workers.

Information on body parts or conditions that should be treated

The report will also narrate which among the workers’ condition and injured body parts should be given the best treatment. This will also include information as to the extent of the treatment that can be given to patients.

Accurate information that is focused on helping injured workers

It is common knowledge that not all QMEs come up with Qualified Medical Evaluation with solely their clients in mind as they need to be as thorough and as objective as possible. Thus, it is vital to double check that all details in the report are 100 percent accurate.

How many days to complete a QME Report?

A QME report should be completed within 30 days from the time the QME has first seen the injured worker.

Every now and then, a 15-day extension may be given to QMEs depending on their reasons. A maximum extension of 30 days may also be granted for those who are writing both a test result and a consult report.

Becoming a QME is a rewarding job. If you are interested, simply consult with the Medical Office Management now.

Contact TukkoMed today and find out how we can make your medical practice easier and more productive.