The ability to think critically is important in all walks of life – as every organization requires its leaders to come up with solutions relevant to each industry. In the field of healthcare, the stakes can be exceedingly high, and there are situations where the wrong decision can lead to the loss of somebody’s life….

New Laws have been passed in California to protect workers from the on-going coronavirus pandemic. The new laws, namely SB1159 and AB685, focused on improving workers compensation services and allowing employees who have contracted Covid-19 to assume they were infected at work until proven otherwise. Governor Gavin Newsom believes that these “two laws will help…

The advent of Covid-19 has forced workplaces all over the world to change their ways – and businesses have not been the same since. Most businesses have switched to a work-from-home setup, allowing employees to accomplish work from the comfort of their own homes. This, in turn, helps keep the wheels turning during a time…

The spread of the coronavirus has brought about a worldwide pandemic that has shocked the world while grinding normal everyday life to a near standstill. The last few months have been a time of great uncertainty, loss, and fear – and there is still no end in sight, as doctors and scientists race to find…

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