Tag: medical-legal fee schedule

  • Getting Paid: 5 tips to improve your billing process

    …..Every service on Earth, including those found in the healthcare industry, runs on one main thing – money. Naturally, one would think that having a competent billing department would be a priority for every physician and/or medical practice, but you may be surprised just how many mistakes are made everyday while billing for medical services.…

  • OP-ED: Recommendations for the DWC forum

    The California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has set forth some proposed changes to the Medical-Legal Fee Schedule (MLFS) that have stirred a little bit of controversy. Comments on the DWC Forum have been mostly negative, and many stakeholders have strong opinions about the potential impact the amendments could have to the process for Qualified…

  • Understanding California DWC’s Proposed Amendments to Medical-Legal Fee Schedule

    Back in May of 2018, the California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) proposed some amendments to the Medical-Legal Fee Schedule (MLFS), and some of those could have a significant effect on how Qualified Medical Evaluators (QMEs) do their jobs. Let’s take a look at some of the bigger proposed changes to the California Code of…