Artificial intelligence (AI) in business is becoming more common and will continue to do in the years to come – a 2017 survey by Spiceworks estimated that 13 percent of participating companies already adopted AI technology and predicted that number to rise to 30 percent this year – but one field that may benefit greatly from this could be healthcare.

The healthcare industry is primed to be transformed with the introduction of AI. Already there are examples of possible applications. AI algorithms have already proven capable of detecting disease at the same level of humans. In fact, in some cases, they do even better. A Danish AI software successfully detected cardiac arrest over emergency calls at a much higher rate than a human could.

But AI is bound to make some advancements in the medical field soon because of the amount of data that is now being collected. Thanks to legislation passed in this decade, adoption of electronic health records (EHR) has a rate of over 90%. The development of wearable devices for healthcare may soon allow patients to share data with their doctors in real time.

Take all the data and give a supercomputer like IBM’s Watson a chance to analyze it and the field can take some real big strides in speed of diagnosis and decision-making.

There will be challenges, of course. The innovation of tech start-ups could find the risk-aversion of the healthcare industry a problem. EHR, which could be essential in AI and machine learning, has been identified as a factor in the physician burnout crisis, with the additional steps it added into the workflow.

But the opportunities for innovation in healthcare are too important to ignore. AI-assisted robotic surgery, discovery of novel molecules for degenerative disorders, predictive analysis – there are so many ways where AI can transform the way we do healthcare for the better.

Have a medical practice that can use some delegation services? Get in touch with TukkoMed for a consultation on how we can help your company.


“The Opportunities & Challenges of AI in Healthcare.” Topbots, 10 February 2017, Web.

“Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Gains Massive Traction with Growing Investment in AI in the Space.” MarkTechPost, 14 August 2018, Web.

“AI Is Transforming Healthcare as We Know It. Here’s a Look at the Future – and the Opportunities for Entrpreneurs.” 11 July 2018, Web.

“How Is AI Used In Healthcare – 5 Powerful Real-Word Examples That Show The Latest Advances.” Forbes, 27 July 2018, Web.

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